Thursday, June 23, 2011

Home Media Networking: An Overview

Setting up a home media network may seem like a daunting task at first glance, but it's not as complicated as you might think. So, if this is something you've been interested in exploring you've come to the right place. Over the next few weeks we'll examine the hardware and software options that are available for this type of solution. In addition, each article will walk you through the process of setting up the respective component. So lets get started! Here are the major topics we'll address:

Network Setup and Configuration Series

The first step in the process is to lay the foundation for your media network. Before we can start talking about media and the related hardware/software options, we need to get the actual network in place. So, this series will cover what you need to know in terms of wired/wireless networking basics.

Media Storage and Distribution Series

If you already have a network set up in your home that will suffice you can start here and refer to the first series if you run into bandwidth issues later on. This set of articles will address the online and local storage options for your media, as well as how you will 'serve' the files to your entertainment center. Some of what will be discussed here includes setting up a traditional server configuration and basic network attached storage to using providers like Amazon Music.

Home Playback Series

So, you made it through the previous two series and you're ready to start enjoying your media. Well we're almost there, but there's another step. The Home Playback series discusses how your media center and the various other devices in your home are going to receive all those files. It'll cover building a custom home theatre PC, how to make use of an existing video game console, and some media players specifically designed for this purpose.

Mobile Playback Series

If you're anything like me you are going to want to enjoy your media while you're out and about. This topic is a natural extension of the discussion on how to build a media network for you home since you'll have the ability to serve your files locally and remotely with the solutions we cover in the Media Storage and Distribution series. So, the Mobile Playback series will look at the Google, Apple, and Microsoft offerings that will turn you into a true mobile warrior.

TAGS: 802.11bgn, network, WEP, wifi, WPA, WPA2, bridge, wirelessbridge, wireless bridge, home theatre, server, home theater, HomeTheater, DNLA, NAS, app store, apps, AppStore, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7, Vista, XP, Windows 7, Linksys, Router, Cat5e, Cat5

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